Dumpster Enclosure in Leesburg, VA
We helped this business owner hide the dumpster at his Food services business in Leesburg, VA

Restaraunt Dumpster Enclosure Installed
This restaurant owner had a problem with dogs invading his garbage and spreading it all over the parking lot. We proposed a chain link fence with privacy slats to kep the dogs out. The business owner was very happy with the results and we are replicating the enclosure at his other locations.

Dumpster Enclosure Professionally Installed in Fairfax, Va
M.C. Fence install this dumpster enclosure in Fairfax Vienna. 8' high galvanized chain link with Black privacy slats.

Dumpster Enclosures Installed in Alexandria, VA
M.C. Fence installed 8 vinyl dumpster enclosures in Alexandria for Toll Brothers.